Monday, July 26, 2010

siete y ocho

So today is day 8. I had a pretty busy weekend.

It's definitely getting harder.

Of course it doesn't help that I have had to endure birthday parties, catered work parties, offers for homemade ethnic cuisine, Wahoos, In n' Out, and countless other mouth watering meals. There's no doubt that the biggest battle is the simple act of eating. Obviously.

I am finding it harder to get my water in the busier I get. I am starting to feel quite dehydrated throughout the day. I noticed the day after the SWF I felt really dehydrated, and I woke up with bad lower back pain. I read online that this is a sign of dehydration. I have been trying to get my water in more, and I have decided to hold off on any SWF's until I get my water intake up.

I am getting used to the lemonade more and more. Tonight I am trying to freeze a small mug of it to see if it will be like a tasty Italian ice. We'll see.

I daily look forward to sleeping. Not because I'm tired, quite the contrary I have been surprisingly full of energy through this whole process. I look forward to sleeping because I escape to dreams full of savory and delicious feasts. Last night I ate some delicious bow tie pasta drenched in a thick creamy alfredo sauce. It was great because I woke up guilt free! haha

I am off to drink some more water and possibly a cup of herbal tea. My guilty pleasure! :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Oh man. It's the end of day six...

It was an uphill battle all day for me. It is crazy how day to day I feel so drastically different. I feel like I almost broke down at least a dozen times. I am happy to say that I didn't, but at the same time I get nervous thinking about how many more days might be like this one.

I am pretty sure that I didn't drink enough water today. Thinking back I didn't have much at all. I am confident that this is why I am feeling so bad right now. I am trying to chug water right now as I am getting ready to call it a night.

I ended my night with a hot cup of herbal tea, sweetened with a bit of the maple syrup. I needed some sort of comfort "food" and that really hit the spot. I was a bit more moody today, but just seemed to battle myself all day. I feel like I was consumed with thoughts of delicious savory foods. It made it so difficult...

I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow and relaxing. I only have 7 more days of "lemon-aple-ade" and "ma-per-ade" shots (lol). Then orange juice. Its soooo close....

Looking forward and staying positive... :)

Day (high) Five

Total turn around.

Today was great. I made my Maperade (maple-pepper-lemonade) using fresh lemons a friend at work picked for me from his tree, and it made a world of difference! They were incredibly juicy and ripened to perfection. I am actually looking forward to my "meals" now. Key to this whole thing is having the right lemons for sure!

I also have a new drinking method. I slightly revised the Jock Method. First I mix the water, lemon juice, syrup and water in one glass; about 10oz total. Then I pour a small amount (1-2 oz) into another to make a small shot, and add a generous pinch of the Cayenne. I take the shot, and then enjoy the sweet delicious lemonade. Once today I even had it over ice. Works like a charm.

Also... today was my first SWF. Ugh. Drinking the Sea Salt water has to be against the law in some countries. So bad. I couldn't get it all down before I felt like I was going to throw up, so I left probably about 10 oz of the 1L in the cup. I felt sick for a solid 30 minutes, and just thinking about the salt water made me gag. Had the first "flush" about 40 minutes later, and it was relatively uneventful. I then went about an hour with nothing, not even a gurgle. Then had maybe 5-6 smaller "flushes" pretty close together. It was totally doable, and it really makes you feel like the cleanse is doing something. All in all, the whole process was more humorous than traumatizing. I couldn't help but laugh when i thouht about a wise peice of advice I read on someone's MC blog.... "DO NOT FART! Just go right to the toilet!" Lolol. It's the truth, and I'm glad I didn't learn that the hard way... Thank God :)

Sorry for the potty talk.... I'm done.

I am still really high in energy. I haven't had any real grumpy days either. I am shocked by how fantastic I have been feeling in general. I am thinking about food less, and it is only challenging when I am around people eating.

Tomorrow is Kelsea's 5th Bday party. I will battle the sweet sight of cake again, BUT I will enjoy my lemonade and feel fabulous while I'm doing it (I'm down 5 pounds).... :)

That's it. Late night and I'm full of energy... going to try to get some sleep.

Goodnight!! :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day Terrible (I mean... Day 4)


So much for momentum.

It's Day one of the lemonade mixture. I am struggling far more than I expected. I think I anticipated the taste to be better than it has proved to be. The only way I can describe the flavor is a cold cup of lemon flavored TheraFlu.

Now... If there is anything in life that I am certain of... its that I LOATHE lemon flavored TheraFlu. Ask my Mom, she knows.

Needless to say I have been having quite an interesting day trying to get my "meals" down. My first method was to mix: 8oz water, 2oz lemon juice, 2oz syrup, and the cayenne pepper. Then I stood over the sink and pounded it like I was a jock at a frat party. I followed it with an 8oz water chaser to attempt to remove the taste from my mouth. There was nothing good about this, it was gross and there is no way around it. Or was there...

3 or 4 hours and about 60oz of water later I was ready for "lunch." I then resorted to my 2nd method. I diluted the lemonade with about 30oz of water and decided to drink it slowly throughout the afternoon. Thinking that more water would make the lemonade go down easier. After the first sip I knew it would be rough. I ended up drinking it all relatively quickly (within an hour) because I just didn't want to look at it anymore.

I decided that the Jock Method really did have its pros, in that the whole "TheraFlu lemonade in my mouth" process ended so quickly. After another few hours it was time for my 3rd glass, and I decided to pound it again, this time in a less diluted form using only about 4oz of water. Gross. I was able to get it down fast, but now I feel like I have knots in my stomach. Maybe it was too concentrated? Or is it just a spicy "feeling" from the cayenne pepper? I can't really tell. Either way I am glad that I have delicious fresh water to drink right now.

This is going to be hard, but its not going to be forever. I only have 9 more days of the TheraFlu lemonade and I will be sipping on a delicious glass of orange juice. And in reality, 9 days really isn't really THAT long... at least that's what I'm telling myself. Mind over matter!

Today also confirmed how glad I am that I did the ease in portion of the Cleanse. I'm pretty confident that I would have quit if I didn't first wean myself off of food. I also weighed myself this morning, and I'm down just about 4lbs. Crazy. It is a reminder of how serious I need to be about my eating habits when this is all over.

Perhaps I'll write more later... but I can already tell you it would only be along the lines of "Gross... TheraFlu... nauseous... Ugh... Goodnight"


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day Three - Oh Jay!

Today was my final day of the ease in... orange juice!

It was surprisingly easy, perhaps because I freaking LOVE orange juice. A LOT. My only issues came from smelling all kinds of delicious foods all day. That really has to be the hardest part, and cheating sounds SO good. I had to keep reminding myself of the mental game, mind over matter. I just removed myself from the room and enjoyed a delicious glass of juice

Today was definitely a total high, because I felt so great all day. I've been full of energy, and my headaches? Practically non-existent. I have had a little lingering headache for about an hour, but besides that I was good.

I am also realizing that I am super stoked on my decision to complete the "ease in" portion prior to the lemonade diet. It was so hard to resist the temptation of food, and just the fact that I had fresh fruit juices and a variety of flavors to choose from made all the difference. I feel like I have control over the hunger now, and from here on out I will attempt to have control over my desire for that variety of tastes and flavors. Whats crazy is that the more I learn to deny myself these "needs" the better I feel mentally. I think its because I have always been a very emotional eater, so its as if this process is detoxing my mind as well. Pretty cool.

I went to a bonfire after work, it helped keep my mind off food at home. I swigged my bottle of juice while everyone ate, and felt fine. Then we threw the football around for a while and I wasn't feeling the least bit weak, hungry, or tired. Great fun :)

Tomorrow is my OFFICIAL start day of the Lemonade Diet (dun dun dunnnn). I'm anxious and excited. I was going to mix everything tonight so I didn't have to deal with it in the morning, but read that its important to juice your lemons fresh for each day, otherwise you lose the essential enzymes. I decided to wait to do everything in the morning.

I am going to pre-mix the lemon juice and syrup before I go into work tomorrow. Then when I am ready to drink I will mix the water and cayenne pepper in. I read that the syrup will act as a preservative to the enzymes, so you can pre-juice the lemons for the day and they should have the same effect.

I also read that I won't need to do the SWF (Salt Water Flush) first thing tomorrow morning, because it is my first day on the lemonade diet. Woohoo! I will gladly save it for Friday (dun dun dunnnnnn).

That is all for now. An incredibly successful and somewhat uneventful day if you ask me. I hope this momentum continues!

Goodnight and good juice :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Little Victories

It's the end of Day 2.

Today was hard. First day of a liquid only diet. It's incredible how much you can miss simple luxuries like chewing your food.

But, I still managed to have some little victories today. Went to the Rainforest Cafe for Kelsea's birthday and resisted an urge to try a bite of every plate that was passed by my face. The craziest part was as time went on, I began to realize that I felt satisfied just smelling everything. It was cool not to feel like the food had the upper hand. I felt like yelling "Hell yes, I can do this!"

Little victories.

After my dinner of bottled water at Rainforest Cafe, I went to bible study. It was good, minus the bags of chips and moist and delicious bite sized brownies that so beautifully sat in the middle of the table the whole time. I really considered a few chips... after all I am only "easing in" still... BUT then I reminded myself of that terrible feeling of regret I know I would have, and took another swig of water and passed on the chips and brownies.

Little victories.

I just got home a little bit ago and and juiced about 12 oranges for "lunch" tomorrow. I also made myself a smoothie for dinner using fresh orange juice, banana, blueberries, strawberries, and mango. YUM. It is divine.

I am nervous about the coming days. I am afraid that not having the simple luxury of adding variety to what I eat (or drink) will be the most difficult thing. I am already thinking of ways to add variety to the lemonade "legally." I read somewhere that a girl was having weird reactions to the Cayenne Pepper, so she actually did the detox with little to no Cayenne. I am wondering if I could make some of the lemonade without the Cayenne and freeze it, and have kind of a "Master Cleanse sorbet" ...just a thought.

Anyway, my smoothie is gone, and I should get to bed. Oh, and my headache is barely lingering.

Little victories.



Day 2
Already lots of ups and downs...

I went shopping again last night and made myself a tasty little "living food" salad. I cut raw corn on the cob off the husk into a bowl and added raw red bell peppers, raw onion, raw chopped spinach, and a tiny bit of tomato. It was actually really good! The juices from all the fresh veggies tasted like a salad dressing. I ended up not even being able to finish the whole bowl.

Yesterday I had a horrible migraine the majority of the day. It started around 9am and got progressively worse as the day went on. I am thinking its the withdrawals from caffeine, as I am quite an avid coffee drinker (especially while I'm at work). After eating my tasty living food medley for dinner, I could hardly keep my eyes open because the pain was so bad. I ended up breaking down and taking two ibuprofen around 9pm. I was in bed by 9:30 and slept solid the whole night. I'm not considering the pain-killers a cheat, for the sole fact that if I wanted to cheat I would've annihilated any type of carb in my sight :)

Woke up this morning migraine free! After getting ready for work I proceeded to peel and juice about 6 oranges, a grip of carrots, and a banana for my "lunch." I made about 32 oz to bring to work, and I am mixing it with a bit of water to make it last.

It's approaching 11am and my headache feels like it is creeping back in. I am praying that it won't last long...

Today is my God-Daughter's 5th Birthday. I can't believe she is growing so fast!

I can't believe that I decided to start this detox the week of Kelsea's birthday. Someone tell me what on earth I was thinking!? Tonight I'm going to the Rainforest Cafe at Downtown Disney for dinner with Shauna, Kelsea and their fam... and I have anxiety like you wouldn't believe. I don't know how I am going to sit through an entire dinner surround by savory and delicious foods while I sip on my orange-carrot-banana blend. My stomach is growling just typing about it... oi vey.

I get to go drink some more orange-carrot-banana blend... yay? I am deciding this will be an UP for two reasons:
1) It's all a mental game, I LOVE Orange-carrot-banana blend for lunch!
2) I had to keep with the UP/DOWN/UP/DOWN... theme, and decided it would be best to finish with an UP :)

That's it for now... Day 2 continues...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 1

It's Day 1.

I have a terrible headache. I am starting to think my first step for the Master Cleanse should have been to first go through a 12-step program to give up caffeine. Day late, dollar short...

Apparently I am "easing in" to this whole Detox thing for the next three days. I am quite amused at this idea... I'm not so sure that "ease in" in the best way to describe this process.

BLITZ would be more appropriate.

Yesterday I savoring a juicy delicious #2 with grilled onions and no tomatoes... perfectly cooked fries dipped in ketchup (2 at a time of course)... and an ice cold Diet Coke. Today I'm crunching on carrot and celery sticks and contemplating drinking the water they were packaged in for flavor.

Ok, ok, so I may be exaggerating a bit. I am enjoying the juicy delicious fruit and I am appreciating all the water I've been drinking. HOWEVER, be not deceived.

There I was yesterday, pushing around a picture perfect cart of organic goodies all around the grocery store with my head held high with twinkling eyes. I was amped to start this journey of mental and physical discipline. But then I got to the register.


"Oh, it's okay..." I thought, "I'm investing in my health!"

So precious... so NAIVE.

Ends up that $68.33 worth of "goodies" will last me a solid couple of days. Really? I lovingly packed all of nature's candy in my cart only to be used like a roll of toilet paper after bad Chinese food... left with nothing but a bio-degradable cardboard roll in the matter of a day. Not that I'm bitter.

Needless to say, I could care less for the beating my bank account is taking. Still, I am finding that I really am excited about taking on this challenge.

There's no doubting that this will be equally (or more so) a mental battle as it will be a physical one. So in a desperate attempt to keep my head in the game, I will be blogging about my journey daily. Take it, digest it (pun intended), and maybe even think I am crazy. But, you may just find yourself planning your own Ash Tuesday...

Let's do this :)


Ash Tuesday (āsh tooz-dey)
origin: American (c.2010)

Holiday which falls on Tuesday, August 3rd. Marks Ashley's day of victory over all 16 days of The Master Cleanse Detox Diet (hopefully).