Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day Terrible (I mean... Day 4)


So much for momentum.

It's Day one of the lemonade mixture. I am struggling far more than I expected. I think I anticipated the taste to be better than it has proved to be. The only way I can describe the flavor is a cold cup of lemon flavored TheraFlu.

Now... If there is anything in life that I am certain of... its that I LOATHE lemon flavored TheraFlu. Ask my Mom, she knows.

Needless to say I have been having quite an interesting day trying to get my "meals" down. My first method was to mix: 8oz water, 2oz lemon juice, 2oz syrup, and the cayenne pepper. Then I stood over the sink and pounded it like I was a jock at a frat party. I followed it with an 8oz water chaser to attempt to remove the taste from my mouth. There was nothing good about this, it was gross and there is no way around it. Or was there...

3 or 4 hours and about 60oz of water later I was ready for "lunch." I then resorted to my 2nd method. I diluted the lemonade with about 30oz of water and decided to drink it slowly throughout the afternoon. Thinking that more water would make the lemonade go down easier. After the first sip I knew it would be rough. I ended up drinking it all relatively quickly (within an hour) because I just didn't want to look at it anymore.

I decided that the Jock Method really did have its pros, in that the whole "TheraFlu lemonade in my mouth" process ended so quickly. After another few hours it was time for my 3rd glass, and I decided to pound it again, this time in a less diluted form using only about 4oz of water. Gross. I was able to get it down fast, but now I feel like I have knots in my stomach. Maybe it was too concentrated? Or is it just a spicy "feeling" from the cayenne pepper? I can't really tell. Either way I am glad that I have delicious fresh water to drink right now.

This is going to be hard, but its not going to be forever. I only have 9 more days of the TheraFlu lemonade and I will be sipping on a delicious glass of orange juice. And in reality, 9 days really isn't really THAT long... at least that's what I'm telling myself. Mind over matter!

Today also confirmed how glad I am that I did the ease in portion of the Cleanse. I'm pretty confident that I would have quit if I didn't first wean myself off of food. I also weighed myself this morning, and I'm down just about 4lbs. Crazy. It is a reminder of how serious I need to be about my eating habits when this is all over.

Perhaps I'll write more later... but I can already tell you it would only be along the lines of "Gross... TheraFlu... nauseous... Ugh... Goodnight"


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